Sir Ivan Rogers is a remarkably experienced, respected and decorated expert in international negotiations – so much so he was knighted in the 2016 honours list. His resignation from his position in Brussels marks another example of the Brexit Shambles we find ourselves in.
It is hard to find anything positive that has been said, or could be said, about the process towards triggering Article 50 in March. “March 2017” might still sound a long way off, but it is merely a few months away now. Small businesses and the self employed are grimacing at their own Tax Returns with a begrudge, but clearer focus than our own Prime Minister seems to have a handle on… the entire independent future of the whole of the UK. Brexit Shambles? “Shambles” is such a British word – soon it could turn into a catastrophe.
What is causing the Brexit Shambles?
I don’t know.
And that is kind of my main point here. In short, and in the vernacular: “he knows his stuff.” So it seems absurd and astonishing that the unqualified and inexperienced MPs and Ministers we allow to run our country have ignored his warnings.
The lack of qualifications of our ministers is a gripe of mine that I mention relentlessly. Given that Brexit is clearly going to be one of the most significant political, economical, and social upheavals in recent history, and will affect the nations future, surely we should be able to have confidence in those at the helm.
However, we have an apparently floundering – or unnervingly secretive – PM who refuses to answer any straight question about the plans. “Brexit means Brexit” has become a cliché that sends shivers down spines as we mostly assume it to be a politicians shrug of uncertainty. Even the hashtag “#BrexitShambles” is filling the internet with opinion and comment.
Perhaps another cause of Brexit Shambles is the fact that politicians have a vested interest. We all understand why we can’t let a private company handle it as we’d probably find that every decision made seemed to add to their profit margins. When it comes to party politics, however, to currency is voters. Promises have been made to curb immigration, but that might be at odds with what is actually the best economic interests. For example, many employers benefit greatly from EU migrants workers in their company. It is no secret that the NHS relies heavily on a migrant workforce. So how do you please both sides if your focus is more on keeping power for yourself.
Brexit Shambles – a breeding ground for Brexit-cynicism
A double-edged sword is swinging dangerously out of control the longer we wait to hear what the plans for Brexit are. On the one hand there are those who voted to “remain” getting increasingly irritated by all the time – and therefore money -that is being spent on something they voted against. On the other hand, those who voted for Brexit are still waiting for their vote to make any difference at all. The longer it takes to even say what might happen after two years of nothing but talking is really the core of Brexit Shambles.
Cynicism is understandably appearing on both sides of the argument because we are all in the same boat and none of us want it to start sinking. And we’re not impressed by feeling increasingly like we’re up the creek without a paddle.
So why is it that our leaders insist on driving out the experts we do have? We need people like Sir Ivan Rogers with his finger on the pulse. The EU is a big force with many different views. Labour’s Hilary Benn, Chair of the EEU, has spoken out about the resignation as a bad thing and the fact that a replacement would be needed. But who will they get as a replacement that is as good as Sir Rogers in time to trigger Article 50 by March?
People are worried about what the future holds, and the last thing any of us need is to see our leaders flounder about at the helm as all their best crew jump ship.
Brexit shambles needs to turn into a Brexit plan – quickly.