Brexit Democracy already being Questioned
Article 50 was triggered just yesterday and I already have a question about the romanticism of ‘Brexit Democracy’.
Article 50 Triggered: Have We Shot Ourselves in the Foot?
The simple fact with Article 50 and the whole act of getting Brexit underway is that we do not know what will happen over the next two years, with any certainty.
Why are Brexit Plans So Secret?
What are the Brexit Plans? We’re constantly reminded that we live in a democracy. We’re always being told that “Brexit” is the “will of the people.” That’s why no matter how close the vote was, we must go forth with the Brexit plans. But what are they? The BBC televised a 90-minute question time yesterday […]
The Brexit Debate Claims a New Victim: Dark-Side-Democracy?
There’s something quite disconcerting about hearing that anyone involved in government is sacked merely for having an opinion that differs from the party line. The Brexit debate is currently dominated by the ping-pong between the Commons and the Lords over amendments that the Lords have requested. The Lords dealt their second blow to the Article […]
Article 50 Gears are Greased…
Slowly but surely it is beginning to feel as though the Brexit cogs are turning and all we can hope for now is that they’ve been greased enough not to get stuck. Article 50 has had its nod from the House of Commons vote – an overwhelming 494 to 122 in favour achieved on Wednesday […]