UK Permanent Residency: Poker-Faced Politics

Theresa May has always played her cards close to her chest in her political career, and she has a reputation for standing by her decisions with steely determination. When it comes to the issue of UK Permanent Residency for EU migrants, however, there is growing opposition from cross-party politics that make this episode a bit […]

Brexit Shambles: or a cover for Institutional Racism?

Theresa May is a very different kind of PM to David Cameron and pretty much all recent male PMs since Blair. She isn’t the “PR” washed, personality-bleached usual character we see at the helm, preened and polished by PR, carrying a great big whip.  No: May is more private, slithery and calculating. And that is […]

Brexit Plan: Stop All the Clocks

Two years to leave the union; ten years to negotiate trade deals; and 140 years to process the paperwork of current EU migrants residing in the UK post Brexit Plan. Bureaucracy is one thing…but that is just ridiculous. It’s an astonishing amount of time if you consider we currently live in a world that goes […]