Brexit Plan: Stop All the Clocks

Two years to leave the union; ten years to negotiate trade deals; and 140 years to process the paperwork of current EU migrants residing in the UK post Brexit Plan. Bureaucracy is one thing…but that is just ridiculous. It’s an astonishing amount of time if you consider we currently live in a world that goes […]

Mumbling May: Dragging Brexit Migrant Heels

Angela Merkel and other EU executives are getting increasingly frustrated with Theresa May’s heel dragging approach to engaging with the EU on Brexit terms.  Especially terms regarding what she intends to do with regards to migrant workers. One of the main issues is that May has refused to rule out deportations of current EU nationals in […]

Brexit Britannia doesn’t rule the waves

The freedom of movement in the EU was one of the key topics of debate in the referendum, often drawing out some very controversial opinions. One of the biggest jobs the current government is going to have to face in its term is the management and negotiation of Britain’s exit from the EU. Negotiation is […]

What’s the Point of Immigration Control?

The point of Australian rules is not just for football… The “Brexit” campaign really turned up the volume on cries for a Australian, points-based immigration system .  People wanted to know why we don’t have one, when we are going to get one, and when we are going to use it. Um. Well…we do have […]