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To help you answer this question, we’ve compiled a list of the 10 most common reasons for a Home Office visa refusal. Scroll past this list if you want information on how we can help you re-apply.
It’s really important that you supply all of the documents required for your application. Different visas require different documentary evidence, so you must make sure your application is specific to you, and that nothing is missed out. For example, it’s no good listening to someone who tells you they got a visa with A, B, and C when your application also asks for D, E, and F.
Visa applications might seem simple, and the advice given on the Home Office website does make it appear so. However, the guideline notes only give a general outline and do not go into detail. A missing date or an original copy of an official document can lead to a UK visa refusal.
It might seem like the best place to get advice is from the source itself. However, call handlers at the Home Office/UKVI are not trained or qualified to give legal advice. At best, all they will do is redirect you to their website or give you the same general information. They will not be able to discuss the merits of individual cases which might need specific expertise to carefully complete the application.
We can save you time, money, and the anguish and frustration of being refused.
To guarantee that your visa application is handled by a knowledgeable specialist, get in touch with one of our friendly team members now on 02033844389.