

Can I permanently bring my parents to the UK? You can bring your parents to the UK with an Adult Dependent Relative Visa if they remain dependent on you. This visa doesn’t have an expiry date, so it might be possible for you to bring your parents to the UK forever.

In order to successfully apply for a family member visa, you should get help from one of our immigration lawyers at UK Immigration Solicitors. Call us at 02033844389 right now to get professional and effective advice.

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What is an Elderly Dependent Visa UK?

You can’t care for adult dependents when you live in a different area because they need a lot of care. To bring your parents to the UK as a British citizen, you must apply for an Adult Dependent Relative Visa or another type of visa.

It’s naturally stressful to worry about sick parents. You might want to talk to immigration experts to make sure your application to bring your parents to the UK is processed quickly and correctly.

Eligibility Prerequisites for UK Elderly Dependent Visa

The following must be true about your relative who lives in the UK for them to be qualified for the UK Adult Dependent Relative Visa:

  • Someone must be a direct blood relative.
  • They have to be a citizen of Britain or Ireland.
  • Permanent residency is required.
  • Before January 2021, they already had the right to be a citizen of Norway, the EU, Lichtenstein, Iceland, or Switzerland.
  • They can stay in the UK forever because they have humanitarian protection.

Additionally, as a dependent relative, you must also meet the following conditions:

  • You can’t do daily chores and live on your own because you are old or have a handicap or illness.
  • You can’t get the care you need in your country because it’s either not available or too expensive.
  • For at least 5 years, your family members in the UK will be able to take care of you and support you financially.
  • Also, you are older than 18 years old.
Access to Child Visa UK

What are the Financial Requirements for an Elderly Parent Visa UK?

Your family members must show they can give you the care you require for at least 5 years. They should be able to help you financially without needing help from the government. In the application, your relative must include the following proofs to show these things:

  • A layout of the family member’s home that shows the number, size, and type of rooms.
  • Monthly income as well as savings bank statements. 

Documents Required for Parents Dependent Visa UK

Before you start the application process, you should make sure you have all the paperwork you need for the UK Elderly Dependent visa. Below is a list of all of the documents and details you and your family member need to give:

  • Your full name, date of birth, and certificate of birth.
  • Valid passport or travel ID with certified photo pages, visas, and entry stamps.
  • One copy of your biometric residence card, if you have one.
  • Information about visa applications you’ve made in the past.
  • Criminal background check.
  • Your number for social insurance.
  • The date and country of birth of your parents.
  • Tuberculosis test results if you live in a country that requires them.
  • Bank records and house floor plans should show that you have the money and the skills to care for your family members.
  • Details about your partner and kids.

Note that your documents must be certified. Make sure your papers are translated into English or Welsh and notarized as well.

Our experienced UK immigration Solicitors can help you with your immigration process.

How to apply for Elderly Dependent Visa UK?

Applying for an Adult Dependent Relative Visa requires you to fill out Appendix 1 of form VAF4A. This form must be sent with any visa applicat