
Global Talent Visa UK

The Global Talent Visa UK is a route for talented and promising people in certain fields to come to the UK and work. In February 2020, it replaced the Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) visa.

If you require assistance with your UK global talent visa, dial 02033844389 to reach our immigration solicitors. In addition, you can fill out the form online here.

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What is a Global Talent Visa UK?

The Global Talent route will take the place of the Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) visa in 2020. Its goal is to bring bright and promising professionals to work in the UK in science, digital technology, the arts, and culture.

In the UK’s new points-based immigration system, the standards are much less strict than those for other work visas. Applicants still need to meet a number of requirements and will usually need to be endorsed. However, if you have an award mentioned in “Appendix Global Talent: Prestigious Prizes,” you don’t need to be endorsed and can apply for the visa right away.

For the Global Talent route, there is no minimum salary requirement or English language test. However, the organisation supporting the route may have its own language requirement.

To be qualified for this visa, applicants don’t have to find work. You can get paid work, be self-employed, or become a director of a company. However, any work you do must be in the field for which you have been approved. As long as the Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) rules are followed, you can also study.

With this visa, you won’t have to tell the Home Office if you change jobs or companies while you’re already working.

Dependents who meet the requirements can go with Global Talent participants. Applicants can come from outside of the UK or move from another type of UK visa while they are in the country.

For visa holders, it’s also quite an accommodating route. Applicants have the option to apply for visas that range from one year to five years, with each year being added to the total. Although it is possible to request a visa extension, individuals will often be eligible for indefinite leave to remain in the UK after only one period of leave, which is three years for exceptional talent and five years for promising talent.

For employers, hiring people through the Global Talent route is more flexible and less stressful than hiring people through the Skilled Worker Visa. This is because hiring people through the Global Talent route does not require sponsorship by an employer, and companies hiring people through this route will not have to pay the costs that come with sponsoring workers, like the Immigration Skills Charge.

What is a Global Talent Visa UK

What are Global Talent Visa Requirements?

Those seeking a Global Talent visa must be at least 18 years old and have proof of being a leader or future leader in their chosen profession.

Qualifying Areas

Applicants with “promise” and the ability to emerge as leaders in their respective fields are equally welcome to apply through the Global Talent pathway as are those who have already established themselves as leaders in their respective fields.

People from a lot of different fields can get the Global talent visa, which shows that the UK wants to attract a lot of different kinds of talent. These areas include, but are not limited to:


This includes people who work in areas like hacking, artificial intelligence, software development, and other cutting edge tech fields.

Culture and the arts:

People who work in the arts, music, writing, acting, and other cultural areas and have made important contributions are eligible. Creative excellence and new ideas are valued in this area.

Schools and research:

Researchers and scholars in the arts, social sciences, and natural sciences can also apply. Researchers who are breaking new ground, authors of important works, and professors at well-known universities are all included.

Showcasing Leadership Abilities or Possibilities

Before you can apply to the Home Office for a Global Talent visa, you need to show that you meet the required level of professional achievement. You can do this by getting an endorsement from the appropriate authorised endorsing body or by winning one of the prizes listed in Appendix Global Talent: Prestigious Prizes.

If applicants rely on endorsement, they must be backed by a well-known group in their field that shows they are leaders or could be leaders. The endorsement groups check and confirm the applicants’ credentials in their own specialised fields.

If you’ve won one of the prizes in Appendix Prestigious Prizes, you might not have to go through the recommendation step. If you meet the requirements for the Global Talent Visa UK, these awards have been recognised by the UK government as proof of your exceptional ability. People think these prizes are so important that the winners can get the visa without having to get approval from one of the endorsing groups.

If you win one of these awards, you can use the information to support your Global Talent Visa application, which can help to speed up the process significantly.

Speak to our assessment team now to confirm your eligibility and options for free on 02033844389.